Dante, or Three Things to Love
About the Divine Comedy

Blogger's Note: Several years ago, I agreed to my friend Jacqui's challenge to read 15 Classics in 15 Weeks. I continue to press forward, this being number 13 of 15, and at this point 15 Classics in 15 Years seems quite doable...

Late last week I finished reading Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy in its entirety for the first time. I had read excerpts for different classes over the years, and have read a little about the great work. The book itself was something of a pilgrimage through hell, purgatory, and heaven. This is my least favorite of the thirteen classics I've read so far as part of this challenge, and was tough sledding at times. Nevertheless, I do agree that this is a great literary work and worth the effort to complete at least once.

Without further ado, Three Things to Love about Dante's Divine Comedy:
I have begun number fourteen of fifteen classics, Tolstoy's Anna Karenina, with that great opening line: "All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." It is a long book, but engaging--- I hope to be done within the month!

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