Reflection on Freedom

From my Facebook page on Nov. 3:
Reflecting on, of all things, a line from the old song Remember the Alamo: "Young Davey Crockett was singing and laughing/With gallantry fierce in his eyes/For God and for freedom, a man more than willing to die." 
Freedom like that -- courage and even joy in the face of persecution, destruction, and death -- does not come from politicians, legislation, constitutions, or economies. It comes directly from God. It is not freedom from, but freedom for, and it can only be taken away by the Devil. Only he can bind us, and only if we let him. 
Make no mistake, we are free men and women. This next week, and next four years, can only change that if we allow it. 
Thank you, Lord, for this beautiful morning.

It's another beautiful day today. We are blessed by God with life and liberty -- may we be as free as that song lyric: free to laugh in the face of power, danger, and death, knowing these things cannot touch our inner mystery: that we are made in His image, out of love and for love.

I'm not suggesting armed conflict is coming, but reminding us that we are always -- always! -- free to do what we think is best. We may suffer for it, but suffering in this life is expected and temporary. And as the Catholic evangelist Mark Hart says, even when our legs shake, the rock upon which we stand will not be shaken.

Take courage, whatever happens. You are free, unless you yield it up yourself.

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